Saturday, October 15, 2011

Picture Hiatus and an Olivia Overload!

For some strange reason, after Christmas...I didn't take pictures until EASTER! Well, it's probably because I was SO busy with my rotation at the tim - being 80 hours a week, that pictures went to a back burner.  Not to mention that Joel used one of my SD cards for something and cleared it without downloading what was on it. So, Christmas Day and New Years Eve/Day of 2010 are deleted into the abyss. It made me sick when I found out. I just cried. He didn't mean to; he was just in a hurry to get something done. Still love him to pieces though :)

Since everyone in the family is an adult (with new addition of Little Lucas) - Olivia got to find TONS of eggs all by herself! She loved it. She got a little excited and wanted to start eating the candy in them before she was done finding the eggs. My Suegros must have spent a while hiding the eggs. I couldn't believe how many of them there were. But, they love their Oli. I may be a little biased, but she is seriously one of the cutest little girls in the WHOLE WORLD! I love this girl so much :)

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