Monday, October 17, 2011

Graduating - Dr. Alba

I have now graduated as of June 4, 2011. For those of you who don't know, I have been going to pharmacy school for the last 3 years. I obtained a Doctor of Pharmacy.  So yes, I am Dr. Jessica Alba. Sounds kinda funny, right? My dad tells people his daughter, Jessica Alba, is a doctor who sells drugs (like I haven't heard that one) haha.

I am so grateful for all of the people in my life who supported me and helped me through those incredibly ROUGH years - school friends, my parents, professors, Joel, and my Father in Heaven. I am also grateful for those people who thought I couldn't do it and wouldn't make anything of my life - sometimes they were the ones that made it easier to get through the tough times knowing that if I did I could prove them wrong. So many people have been wonderful and generous with their congratulations, especially Joel's Guelita and Tia Edna.  I am so blessed to have so many incredible people in my life! Thanks for everything. Without all these people and many blessings from heaven, there is no way I could have made it through.


Tukuafu's said...

Oh em gee. I love you!

Emilee said...

You are so beautiful!! I love your jacket! Joel did a great job:)

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