Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Cruise - Venice p2

Part 2. More pictures. I think in the length of the trip I took over 2000 pictures. Here's the rest of Venice. There are 2 islands that are near the city of Venice - Murano and Burano. Murano is known for its glass making. This place was pretty cool. Burano is quite possibly my favorite place from the whole trip. It looks like a storybook land in real life. You'll see, but the pictures do it no justice. Burano is known for its lace.

1. Never take a gondola ride in Venice...200 euro and 30 minutes later, it won't be worth it. (Don't worry - we didn't waste 200 euro to ride in the Gondola. I don't feel bad about missing out on the experience either.)

2. Murano makes awesome glass, but take away the gl, and that's what the place smells like...butt.

This is made of glass...amazing.

This last picture is stupid, but my pharmacy friends will enjoy this - it's a walk up window at the local pharmacy. SERIOUSLY!

3. A lot of good things come from Italy, but it certainly isn't the security. 

4. Alpha Romer cars can come with creamsicle interiors. And yes, Joel wants one.

5. I've never seen so many brand names. Only rich people could afford to live there.

6. I think if I touched the water in Venice, I would corrode immediately. I think they put dirt into it daily on purpose.

7. Just because you are 60 years old and 200lbs, apparently it is still acceptable to wear a bikini.

This is one of the seats on the boats towards the front of the boat. I love the depiction of the pregnant woman :)

This is Burano. It is seriously amazing.

BAHAHA! Guess he was tired.

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