Tuesday, November 18, 2008


There are so many things for me to be excited about right now! Firstly, there are only 6 days until I have Thanksgiving Break! I have a test next Monday and then I'm done for the whole week, and if I pass, I get an ENTIRE 7 DAYS OFF!! I'm going to study super super hard (not anything out of the usual), but I just want the break to do NOTHING!
Secondly, the Twilight movie is coming out on Thursday! I'm so excited! I'm going to see it opening night at the Gateway theater with some friends in my ward. They were really sweet to invite me because I don't really have any friends there and they knew I liked the books :D I am very excited! I'm going to dress up *SHOCK* like Victoria - for those of you that have read the book.
Thirdly, I'm going to be 21 in 20 days...oh my! I'm so happy! I love birthdays! And another great shock is that I always dress up for my birthday. I will now finally have a regular license...people will stop looking at me strangely when I show them my ID and they know I'm married. That is WAY exciting! Funny story about my age...I was at walmart getting some gifts for Joel for Christmas and some glasses - because Joel breaks so many of them. I was in the self-checkout line and the lady in front of me was buying some glitter spray paint and the system put a block on for an employee to clear. The lady looked back at me and said, "Do you know why it's doing that?". I said I had no idea, and the employee informed her that thier policy is to only sell it to those who are at least 17. This lady in line looks back at me and says, "Well, I guess YOU can't buy any,"....WHAT?!? What a joke! This woman thought I was 16 years old! What 16 year old goes to Walmart in the middle of the day to get glasses!! Not to mention that if I were 16, I would have been at SCHOOL! I looked at her and said, "I'm 21". It was embarassing enough for the lady to say that, but she begins to say, "Well, barely". Barely? I was 16 FIVE YEARS AGO. Man...
Fourthly, I'm way excited for mine and Joel's anniversary! Today we have been married for 11 months and next month we will be married for 1 year! People are so interesting. When is the time when people will say we aren't "newly-weds" or in the "honeymoon phase"? I hate that...I guess that it's not a bad thing to be in the "honeymoon phase". But, man...I think that when I say I've been married for a year they will stop saying newly-weds. And, Joel is planning what we're doing, and it's supposed to be a big surprise :D very exciting! I love surprises!


Sara Hammond said...

I have been married for two years and we are still called newlyweds. I think you have to be married 5 years or have 2 kids before (which ever comes first) before people stop calling you newlyweds. But I do think you are out of the "honeymoon" phase after one year...unless you are one of those super romantic couples that never gets out of it...which I think you are!

Montserrat said...

Hey if you have good genes you may get comments about your age for another ten years. I remember having two kids and not being "legal" to buy the ammunition for Joseph's guns. They never checked my ID though because they saw two kids in the cart and just figured I was old enough. Now they see me with all seven kids and say stuff like "You look so young to have so many!" I just don't tell them I am too young. :D

Good luck on your test!

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